How Garage Doors in Visalia Come Off the Tracks
Garage doors in Visalia and elsewhere are set on tracks. These tracks hold the wheels and allow the garage door to easily roll up and down. While the wheels are typically set firmly in the tracks, there are times when they come loose. This causes significant issues as the garage door will no longer work properly. You’ll find out here why the tracks come off and if you need to research “new garage doors” or “garage door repair near me.”
Cars and Garage Doors in Visalia
The truth is that owners of garage doors in Visalia are often the cause of this problem by accidentally bumping into the door with their car. Mistakes happen and many people accidentally back up or drive forward more than they expect. The problem is that your garage door can be significantly damaged even by a minor bump.
You can damage the tracks if your car is going less than five miles per hour, so it doesn’t take much to cause severe problems with your garage door. Not only that, but often people make the situation worse by attempting to drive away from the garage door or fix it themselves. If this happens, the garage door is being held by its lift cables and your car.
If you drive away, then it’s likely that the door will suffer more damage. It’s even worse if you attempt to repair it right there. Most garage doors weigh around 400 pounds. Attempting to lift it yourself can be nearly impossible and may lead to injury.
If this happens, then get out of your car and away from the garage before calling a professional.
Bent Tracks
The second-most common reason for garages to come off the tracks is that the tracks are bent. This usually happens from wear and tear. Keep in mind that the door itself is 400 pounds on average and the tracks have to hold it whenever the door is up. Tracks that are old, made from low-quality steel or have structural problems can become bent.
This is usually a slow process. You might notice that the door skips or jams a bit in a certain area. This problem will get worse until the track bends so much that the wheels are escaping.
If this is caught in time, then you can search online for “garage door repair near me” or even repair it yourself if you know what you’re doing. A professional could be helpful though and will prevent you from having to get new garage doors.
Improperly Aligned Tracks
Similar to bent tracks are misaligned ones. This can happen both to old tracks or faulty new ones. You’ll find this most commonly happens if the vertical and horizontal tracks aren’t properly aligned. This will add stress to the tracks and will eventually cause the tracks to bend.
Similar to bent tracks, you’ll likely notice issues with moving the door before the wheels come off the tracks. Sometimes a good cleaning can fix a stuck door, but other times, it’s issues with the tracks.
Worn Out or Wrong Rollers
Worn out or wrong rollers on your garage door in Visalia or elsewhere can also cause this issue. Starting with worn-out rollers, these can wear even if used properly. Rollers don’t last forever, though properly cared for ones can easily last over a decade. It’s typically a slow process, but, eventually, the rollers will wear out and will no longer properly support the door. This can then lead to the rollers slipping out of the tracks.
Wrong rollers can cause a similar issue. Every garage needs properly sized rollers to carry the weight, and they also need to have ball bearings to help balance them. It’s best if the rollers have 10 ball bearings or more. Those with fewer bearings can have more friction and that can lead to the rollers or tracks breaking.
You’ll usually notice this problem right after garage door installation or if you recently changed the rollers. Sometimes improper rollers last for a few months or even a few years, but they wear out much faster than properly sized and balanced rollers.
Broken Cables
Your garage has two lift cables with one on each side. This balances the door, but one broken cable can lead to significant issues with the tracks. The good news is that this rarely happens as the cables are very durable, but it’s still a possibility.
If one cable breaks, then this puts tremendous stress on one side of the door. This stress can lead to the track bending and the rollers popping right out. Normally the cables will both break, or the garage will slam shut. If the door remains open, though, and is suspended by one cable, then the tracks have a higher chance of breaking.
Dirt and Debris
Most of the reasons discussed above have been about mechanical failure or an impact like from a car. Poor maintenance in terms of cleaning can also lead to rollers coming out of the tracks. If you’ve ever looked at the garage tracks, then you have likely noticed that they are dirt magnets. Some dirt won’t be a major issue, but a very dirty track can lead to increased friction or even the roller no longer aligning to the track.
This is very easy to fix if you’re diligent. Just clean the tracks and rollers every month or so. Doing this regularly will ensure that the door works as well as possible, which can also improve its overall longevity. It usually only takes a few minutes to clean the tracks from top to bottom.